
Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Black Scorpion.
Operation Black Scorpion ran from October 20th 2020 until February 5th 2021.
With the American-Chinese war behind them, the 28th found their way back to the Desert Once again. This time to finish a war once thought ended. Operation Desert Storm in 2003 saw Saddam Hussein and Republican Forces defeated and disbanded but years later under Lt Gen. Ra’ad Al-Hamdani, new leadership for the Republican Guard was found. The once dead Republican Guard was revitalized under this new Leadership and began annexing their old territories once though lost to them in Iraq. Said Territories included Fallujah, Lythium and Diyala. Alongside the Iraq National Security Force, the 28th swept through Diyala, Fallujah and eventually Lythium while removing important members of Republican Guard Leadership. In the end, with the Lt Gen. cornered and no military to support him, he surrendered to the United States and with his surrender, the end of a war once thought won.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Desert Phantom.
Operation Desert Phantom ran from January 20th 2020 until February 27th 2020.
The 28th was deployed to Anizay, Afghanistan to engage in counter-insurgency operations against ISIS. During their deployment, their goal was to restore the faith in the hearts and minds of the civilian populace, thus with the goal of bringing stability to the region. Firefights ensued, with the enemy striking damaging blows to the division, as well as assaulting our main base of operations at the airfield. The 28th persevered', eventually bringing the conflict in Anizay to an end in April of 2020.
Anizay was the first major growth spurt of the 28th, where important leaders such as Cameron McDavid, Samuel Meatball and Martin Jon stepped up and guaranteed themselves a spot in the future of the 28th through their steady leadership.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Guardian Angel.
Operation Guardian Angel ran from April 24th 2020 until June 26th 2020.
Operation Guardian Angel was set out in the field of Northern Georgia and Louisiana. All began after the return of the 28th from Anizay. Due to the actions of the unit in Operation Desert Phantom and the media spreading it like wildfire, tensions between the US and China grew, and, as the 28th were doing a normal FTX organized by NATO alongside German forces, the PLA (People's Liberation Army) assaulted the east coast of the USA and took over key parts. The 28th was immediately tasked with taking back Northern Georgia, and although at the start this seemed to be the biggest challenge they have ever had thrown at them out of nothing, they came out victorious. With the genius plans made by 28th leadership, the PLA was severely weakened and outnumbered fast. As their forces retreated, the feared Chinese general Hou Zhao was discovered, stationed in the last Chinese HQ located in Louisiana. The 28th was tasked with his assassination, task which was successfully carried out.
Important leaders were appointed during these tough times of the 28th. People like Tony Chanka, Sharon Roth and Avid Russo took their first steps in leadership during these times and surprised 28th Command with their abilities.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Steel Tiger.
Operation Steel Tiger ran from July 23rd 2020 until September 18th 2020.
After Operation Guardian Angel, the 5th deployment of the 28th was going to be the first operation that was a follow-up to the last one. During OGA, the PLA invaded United State's east coast but were slowly removed. Now, it was time for the USA to strike back. On 25/7/2020, the 28th alongside Indian and Japanese forces, HALO jumped into the Chinese borders of the Hainan province. With the help of the Marine Corps, the 28th gained a foothold into Chinese territory. With that done they were retasked to put an end to the progress that Chinese General Zhang Louyang made with creating new weapons that would help the PLA defeat US forces and their allies. Deployed on Triton Island, the general was taken down and his plans were destroyed, guaranteeing victory to the USA and its allies.
There were many new faces joining leadership during this time for the 28th. Personnel changed a lot for the better with soldiers like Sqishy Cookys, John Marks and David Doyle (retired) joining our efforts.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Riptide.
Operation Riptide ran from October 3rd 2019 to November 26th 2019.
The 28th deployed to Tembelan Island to combat North Korean forces infringing on the neutrality of the Pacific. During this 4 month deployment, the 28th engaged in fierce combat with their new enemy.
Our goal was to Invade & Annex in order to push the North Korean war machine off the island, and be able to restore the tactical advantage that the island possessed.
Notable Awards Received
- Jake Berserk, Expert Field Medical Badge
- Cameron McDavid, Expert Field Medical Badge
- Aiden Moore, Expert Field Medical Badge

Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Iron Fist.
The 28th CAD was deployed to Yellowstone to combat and invading Russian Federation force. They successfully drove them back to continue the battle in Washington, DC.
Notable Awards
- Canadian Wifi awarded the Leadership Excellence Medal.
- Oscar Ellis awarded the Leadership Excellence Medal.
- Single Meatball awarded the Communal Service Medal.
- Single Meatball awarded the NCOIC Citation Medal.
- Tony Chanka awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Sharon Roth awarded the Legion of Honor Medal.
- Daniel Hayes awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.
- Bruh Adi awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.
Notable Promotions
- Samuel Meatball promoted to First Sergeant, Company Headquarters.
- Oscar Ellis promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Recon Rogue promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Squishy Cookys promoted to Sergeant First Class.
- Bruh Adi promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Three.
- Felix Woods promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Two and Senior Aviator, 1st Aviation Platoon, Bravo Company.
- Valkyrie Reaper promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Two and Senior Aviator, 1st Aviation Platoon, Bravo Company.
- Boy Noisy promoted to Sergeant and billet of 1st Section Sergeant, 1st Armored Platoon, Charlie Company.
- Sqishy Cookys promoted to Officer Cadet, induction into Officer Candidate School, and assigned as 1st Platoon Leader, Alpha Company.
- Eric Dare promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Steven Lavier promoted to Sergeant.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Rising Hope.
Legacy award, first deployment for the 28th Combined Arms Division.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the entire duration of Operation Cobalt Horizon.
The 28th CAD was deployed to Africa to combat and dismantle the Warriors of Olorun insurgency group.
Notable Awards
- Sophia Soph awarded the Army Soldier's Medal - Heroism.
- Canadian Wifi awarded the Silver Star.
- Daniel Hayes awarded the Soldier of the Year Commendation.
- Sharon Roth awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.
- Tzachu Beta awarded the Army Commendation Medal.
- Jerico Prime awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.
- Recon Rogue awarded the Commanding Officer Citation Medal.
Notable Promotions
- Valkyrie Reaper promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 3.
- Jack Johnson promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 3.
- Isaac Icy promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Jerico Prime promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Oscar Ellis promoted to First Sergeant.
- Jeff Fletcher promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Cameron Kelly promoted to Sergeant.
- Jordan Erickson promoted to Sergeant.
- Fly Williams promoted to Sergeant.
- Jack Hicks promoted to Sergeant.
- Liam Luther promoted to Sergeant.
- Harrison Scott promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 3.
- Boy Noisy promoted to Second Lieutenant.
- Jon Draco promoted to Sergeant.
- X-Ray Suzuka promoted to Sergeant.
- Hype Fedora promoted to Sergeant.
- Cameron McDavid promoted to Major.
- Sqishy Cookys promoted to First Lieutenant.
- Sophia Soph Promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Boy Noisy promoted to Officer Cadet.

The 28th finds themselves in a unique situation of nuclear war, and has to reclaim the region of Esseker from cultist and raider control.
Started January 28th, 2022.
Notable Awards
- Martin Jon awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Sharon Roth awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Oscar Ellis awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Jeff Fletcher awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Eos Valkyrie awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- David Blackburn awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Daniel Hayes awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Wheezing Guardsman awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.
- Fly Williams awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Jack Hicks awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Post Malone awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Sophia Soph awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Bob Miller awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Jordan Erickson awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Liam Luther awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Wheezing Guardsman awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Jason Kale awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Cameron Kelly awarded the Army Commendation Medal.
Notable Promotions
- Isaac Icy promoted to Officer Cadet and Third Platoon Leader.
- Fly Williams promoted to Sergeant.
- Daniel Hayes promoted to First Lieutenant.
- Sophia Soph promoted to First Platoon Sergeant.
- Fly Williams promoted to First Squad Leader, First Platoon.
- Sharon Roth promoted to Alpha Company Commanding Officer.
- Jack Hicks promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Jeff Fletcher promoted to Officer Cadet and Second Platoon Leader.
- Ryan Caruso promoted to Officer Cadet and Battalion Medical Officer.
- Cameron Kelly promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Jon Draco Promoted to Second Lieutenant.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the duration of Operation Redtide.
Operation Redtide ran from September 3rd 2022 until October 22nd 2022.
Operation Redtide began during a training exercise with the South Korean military, during the training North Korea launched a surprise invasion which saw the 28th CAD pushed south and cut off from reinforcements. From there operations immediately began to regain territory and hold out until friendly forces could arrive and reinforce them. After securing a vital port the US marine corp arrived in South Korea and immediately began reinforcing the line and assisting in assault operations. After several instances of operational failures that resulted in heavy US casualties including the capture of an officer, Col Reese the commander of all NATO forces, redeployed the 28th to assist in combat operations in the Korean mountains. After several successful assaults the 28th began a game of cat and mouse to capture a North Korean special forces commander, which they were successful. During this campaign in the mountains another member of the 28th was captured who turned against the US. The final phase of operation red tide say the 28th participate in the siege of Daesong just north of the DMZ. The final operations here saw the capture of the turncoat US soldier and brought the DPRK to the negotiating table, ending the conflict.
Notable Awards
- Recon Rogue awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Kyro Xeferal awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal.
- Charles McHawthorne awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal.
- Echo Woods awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal.
- Davis Stevenson awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal.
- Roman Kevins awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal.
- Giovanni Fuller awarded the Commanding Officer's Citation Medal.
- Fly Williams Awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Oscar Ellis awarded the Legion of Merit Medal.
- Raphael Monty awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.
- Captain Obvious awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal.
- Gipsy Danger awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal.
Notable Promotions
- Recon Rogue promoted to Master Sergeant and Battalion NCOIC.
- Charles McHawthorne promoted to Sergeant.
- Liam Luther promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 3.
- Echo Woods promoted to Staff Sergeant.
- Davis Stevenson promoted to Staff Sergeant and TACP Senior Sergeant.
- Roman Kevins promoted to Officer Cadet and TACP Officer.

Awarded to those who have been a member during the duration of Operation Emerald Shore.
Operation Emerald Shore ran from January 11th 2023 until April 2nd 2023.

This medal is awarded to those who participated in Desolate Sands

Awarded to those that participated in Operation Ragnarok.
Following Operation Supernova, the United States faces international condemnation, leading to the dissolution of NATO. European nations are forming smaller regional alliances, like the Nordic-Baltic Alliance, while others opt for neutrality or economic unions. Amidst this geopolitical shift, Russia asserts itself in the Baltic region. President Jed Bartlet announces the withdrawal of US troops from Europe, save for those in the UK. However, as troops prepare to leave, a terrorist attack in Washington kills the President and key officials, plunging the nation into chaos. Amidst heightened tensions, US troops in Europe face uncertainty, with some accelerating withdrawal and others preparing for potential conflict amidst Russian military movements near the Finnish border.

The Expert Infantryman's Badge is awarded to those who have completed the Expert Infantryman's Course.
Previously known as the Mason Lee Expert Infantryman's Badge, in honour of Mason Lee, Executive Officer of the 28th Combined Arms Division

The Combat Infantryman's Badge First Stage is awarded to those who have been listed an an 11B throughout an entire deployment.

The Combat Infantryman's Badge Second Stage is awarded to those who have been listed an an 11B throughout two entire deployments.

The Combat Infantryman's Badge Third Stage is awarded to those who have been listed an an 11B throughout three entire deployments.

The Combat Infantryman's Badge Fourth Stage is awarded to those who have been listed an an 11B throughout four entire deployments.

The Pathfinder Badge is awarded those who graduate Pathfinder School through TRADOC.

The Expert Field Medical Badge is awarded to those who have completed the Expert Field Medical course and graduated as such.

The Combat Field Medical First Stage is awarded to those who serve as a 68W Combat Medic for one full deployment.

The Combat Field Medical Second Stage is awarded to those who serve as a 68W Combat Medic for two full deployments.

The Combat Field Medical First Stage is awarded to those who serve as a 68W Combat Medic for three full deployments.

The Combat Field Medical First Stage is awarded to those who serve as a 68W Combat Medic for four full deployments.

This badge is given to members who have participated in a single combat parachute jump during a deployment.

This badge is given to members who have participated in a combat parachute jump during 2 deployments.

This badge is given to members who have participated in 3 combat parachute jumps during a deployment.

This badge is awarded to all qualified crew chiefs who have taken the Crew Chief Course through TRADOC.

This badge is awarded to senior crew chiefs who have the knowledge and experience to perform their duties with confidence.

This badge is awarded to Crew Chiefs who are dedicated to the position. Master Crew Chiefs are leaders and highly experienced experts in their field.

This badge is awarded to members of Bravo Co once the reach the level of Senior Aviator and is awarded by the Flight Leader.

This badge is awarded to aviators who have mastered flying and aviation leadership in all capacities.

This badge is awarded to all Bravo Company Aviators who are able to fly Solo in Logistics

Awarded for the completion of Airborne Jump School through TRADOC

Awarded to members who complete Air Assault School through TRADOC

This badge is awarded to 13F members who complete all 13F training and become Master RTO's

The Combat Action Badge is awarded to members who have been in the 28th throughout two entire deployments and does not qualify for the CIB or CFMB.

The Master Gunners Badge is awarded to those 19K Crewman who pass Master Gunners School

The Combat Action Badge is awarded to members who have been in the 28th throughout one entire deployment and does not qualify for the CIB or CFMB.

The Combat Action Badge is awarded to members who have been in the 28th throughout three entire deployments and does not qualify for the CIB or CFMB.

The Combat Action Badge is awarded to members who have been in the 28th throughout four entire deployments and does not qualify for the CIB or CFMB.

Has completed the sapper training pipeline and has demonstrated their extensive knowledge of safe explosive usage and handling.
Requirements: Completion of 12B MOSQ, Advanced Demolitions, & Mine Clearance

The first step in explosive ordnance disposal and is qualified in handling and disposing of IED threats. They are trusted members who have shown they are able to handle themselves in stressful situations and maintain the safety of others around them.
Requirements: Completion of Sapper pipeline, Explosive Ordinance Disposal Qual, 5 ops as EOD support, Recommendation from Echo Co leadership.
Recipients of this award have completed the Master JTAC pipeline and has demonstrated mastery knowledge of reconnaissance, Forward Air Controller Work, and employment of Fox Company specialized weapon systems.
Requirements: Master JTAC School, Completion of JTAC advancement pipeline

The Communal Medal of Honor is a play on the real life Medal of Honor. In order to maintain the respect for MoH recipients in real life, the 28th did not think it appropriate an identical copy of the MoH in the online world. This award, named the Communal Medal of Honor, was put in it's place and used to signify the bravery, valor, fidelity and service of the recipient at the highest level.
This award signifies that the recipient constantly goes above and beyond at the highest level on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. To date, this award has only been received by Major Sharon Roth, the former Battalion Executive Officer . The owner of the award treats the 28th with resounding levels of respect, love, passion and most of all, pride. They wear their love for the 28th like armor, and consistently provide the skill, leadership and professionalism required to keep the 28th relevant and the community that it is today.
This award is the highest honor of any award in the 28th, and hopefully to be handed out one day to an eligible candidate.
The Communal Medal of Honor is handed out only by the current commander of the 28th.

Much like the Communal Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross signifies and denotes the honrable actions of the recipient. This award is used to signify actions that do not warrant or meet the requirements of the Communal Medal of Honor, but rather, are better represented by the Distinguished Service Cross.
The recipient of this award is an individual who displays valor, integrity, and drive to make the unit better on a daily basis. Because of their commitment, the 28th has benefitted from their decisions, and their actions have put systems, commander's intent and inspiration throughout the unit to make it a better place.

The Army Distinguished Service Medal is given to individuals who stand out from the norm. Since their arrival in the 28th, they have presented themselves in a meaningful way, assisting any way they can on a daily basis to ensure that the 28th operates in a clean, respectful and positive manner.
You can find the recipient of this medal constantly surrounding themselves with the units members, providing a leadership presence both in and out of game, and most importantly, they keep the 28ths values in their heart, and display this in their actions everyday.
The Distinguished Service Medal is handed out only by the current commander of the 28th.

The Silver Star Medal is awarded to those individuals who put considerable time and effort into their in-game leadership abilities. These members are constantly working to develop their own tactics and leadership abilities as well as the men around them.

The Legion of Merit Medal is awarded to an individual who goes above and beyond outside of our events. The individual who receives this is an active participant in the administration and daily operation of the unit through Discord, TeamSpeak and staff shops. Additionally, the recipient of this medal upholds community values consistently, and ensures that the members around them are doing the same.

This award is given out by the Executive Officer of the 28th Combined Arms Division. This award is given to a recipient who:
- Displays advanced proficiency in doctrine knowledge and employs this knowledge on a daily basis.
- Has the skill and ability to contribute to all staff shops in a positive and constructive manner.
- Exercises command of staff shops they are in, and betters them daily.
- Produces unit doctrine with high levels of quality.
- Runs and exercises command over TRADOC courses, brings them to higher levels of prestige.

This medal is given out by the Non-Commissioned Officer In-Charge of the 28th Combined Arms Division. The recipient is someone who:
- Has universal respect from the units members.
- Protects the units values and builds on it's strengths.
- Provides an open ear for the units members, insuring that every member is accepted.
- Protects the integrity of the unit at all times, and insures that it's members are doing the same.
- Goes above and beyond for the members of the 28th on a daily basis.

This medal is given out by the Commanding Officer of the 28th Combined Arms Division. This award is named after the former Battalion Commanding Officer, Cameron McDavid. This medal is given to recipients who display the following:
- Dedication, drive and commitment to make the unit a better place daily.
- Advanced levels of proficiency in all areas of the unit.
- Conduct themselves as a respectful and positive role model for the unit as a whole.
- Have the ability to make tough decisions for the betterment of the community.
- Proven themselves as excellent combat and administrative leaders.

One step below the Silver Star, The Bronze Star Medal is awarded for members who go above and beyond in an in-game capacity. These members work to be expert in their MOS and always try their hardest to complete the mission at hand.

The Army Soldier's Medal for Heroism is awarded for outstanding work within the 28th Staff Shops. Members who receive this award are constantly working to improve the s-shops of the 28th by thinking of new ideas and working to implement them.
Usually Awarded by Company XO or S-Shop 1IC's.

The Meritorious Service Medal is awarded for outstanding effort in Leadership development out of game. Leaders who receive this medal are constantly working to improve their men and the section of the unit that they lead.
Usually Awarded by Company CO or Supervisor.

The Army Commendation Medal is awarded for consistent meritorious service within a member's specific company or section of the 28th. These members assist their leaders to improve their area of the unit and benefit the others around them.
Usually Awarded by Officer in Command or Section Leader.

The Humanitarian Service Medal is awarded to members who are always working to improve the community around the 28th. These members want everyone to feel welcome and have a good time here. Without these members, the 28th would not be the same.
Usually Awarded by Company Sergeant or Section Leader.

Awarded to individuals who display outstanding actions of service for the members of the 28th. The recipient of this award displays selflessness, generosity, love, and passion for the 28th's members. They look out for those around them and are constantly striving to make the community a better place. And as such, they have made the 28th a better place because of their actions.
Usually Awarded by Company Sergeant or Section Leader.

Awarded after Martin Jon who commanded Bravo Company for years. During his tenure, Jon produced vast amounts of doctrine for those within Bravo Company and created a tight-knit, experienced group and always strived to provide the best environment for his company members.
The Martin Jon Aviation Excellence award is awarded to an aviator who goes above and beyond within of our events. This individual has met the high standards set by the commander of Bravo, providing doctrine, experience, and a positive environment to those within their company.
More to come.

Named after Battalion Executive Officer Sqishy Cookys. Cookys provided vast amounts of administrative and instructional doctrine as well as oversight over the s-shops during his tenure.
The award is handed out to those that show dedication, passion, and the drive to better the unit's standing through various departments and their day to day operations.
Awarded by the Battalion XO.

The Air Force Cross is equivalent to the U.S. Army's Distinguished Service Cross and is used to signify actions that do not warrant or meet the requirements of the Communal Medal of Honor, but rather, are better represented by the Air Force Cross.
The recipient of this award is an individual who displays valor, integrity, and drive to make the unit better on a daily basis. Because of their commitment, the 28th has benefitted from their decisions, and their actions have put systems, commander's intent and inspiration throughout the unit to make it a better place.
Applicable to Fox Co

The Air Force Distinguished Service Medal is presented to airmen to recognize distinguished and exceptionally meritorious service to the United States while serving in a duty or position of great responsibility.
Since their arrival in the 28th, they have presented themselves in a meaningful way, assisting any way they can on a daily basis to ensure that the 28th operates in a clean, respectful and positive manner.
You can find the recipient of this medal constantly surrounding themselves with the units members, providing a leadership presence both in and out of game, and most importantly, they keep the 28ths values in their heart, and display this in their actions everyday.
Applicable to Fox Co

The Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to those that distinguish themselves by single acts of heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight. Both heroism and extraordinary achievement are entirely distinctive, involving operations that are not routine.
Applicable to Bravo Co

The Air Medal can be awarded for every six months of meritorious service. The recipient must perform flight-related duties while serving in a combat zone. The soldier must be assigned as air crew with flight status (i.e., as a pilot, navigator, or gunner). Soldiers without flight status can be eligible if they help with an aerial attack during general transport (e.g., as a door gunner), serve as a combat controller (e.g., as a Pathfinder or Forward Air Controller) or the combat commander of an air or land operation at the Group or Brigade level or lower.
Awarded by Bravo Company Commander in cooperation with Fox Company Commander.

The Aerial Achievement Medal is designed to award individuals who display excellent aviation skills during operations. These individuals showcase the dedication and knowledge required to support the companies alongside the ability to adapt to any aerial situation and scenario.
Applicable to Bravo Co.

The Air Force Commendation Medal is awarded for consistent meritorious service within a member's specific company or section of the 28th. These members assist their leaders to improve their area of the unit and benefit the others around them.
Applicable to Fox Co.
The Basic Recruiter Badge is awarded to those who have successfully recruited, processed, and inducted 10 members into the unit. This is their first step into becoming a major source of personnel within the 28th Combined Arms Division.
The Master Recruiter Badge is awarded to those who have successfully recruited, processed, and inducted 50 members into the unit. Upon their achievement of this badge they are now recognized as a major source of personnel in the unit.
Given to those that have been inducted into Training and Doctrine Command as a basic level instructor.
Awarded to those that have spent time in Training and Doctrine Command honing their skills, and now instruct more advanced courses.
Given to those that have dedicated themselves to the operational readiness of the unit, have proven themselves as the best of the best in Training and Doctrine Command. They are the Master Instructor of an MOS, and have earned the prestige and honor of wearing the Master Instructors Badge.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Junior Curator in S-3, Department of Unit Operations.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Senior Curator in S-3, Department of Unit Operations.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Master Curator in S-3, Department of Unit Operations.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Junior Administrator in S-1, Personnel Command.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Senior Administrator in S-1, Personnel Command.

Awarded to those who have earned the title of Master Administrator in S-1, Personnel Command.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Content Creator in S-6, Department of Media Relations.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Senior Content Creator in S-6, Department of Media Relations.
Awarded to those who have earned the title of Content Creator in S-6, Department of Media Relations.

This award is given to leadership members who were participants of Operation Headhunter on April 17th, 2021.
The 28th CAD's leadership team successfully infiltrated and defeated a Russian nuclear installment in Russia near Kaliningrad. This was a crucial step in defeating the Russian war machine during Operation Iron Fist conducted by the 28th CADs Non-Commissioned and Commissioned Officer Corps.
28th CAD Leadership Participants
Cameron McDavid
Martin Jon
Sharon Roth
Ryan Caruso
Daniel Hayes
Jerico Prime
Oscar Ellis
Avid Russo
Bruh Adi
Sophia Soph
Witty Bee
Jack Johnson
Connor Telcam
Steven Lavier
Bob Miller
Boy Noisy
Awarded to those who participated in the first 28th CAD Olympic Games!

This patch and award is given to players that attended the first operation of Operation Black Sun.

- Gold Medal
- Silver Medal
- Bronze Medal
- Participation Medal

This medal is given to members who have provided a donation of under $99 dollars to the 28th Combined Arms Divisions systems.

This medal is given to members who have provided a donation of over $100 dollars to the 28th Combined Arms Divisions systems.

The National Defense Ribbon is used to signify that the member who receives it, is a verified veteran in real life. Recipients of this ribbon are only eligible if they have or currently are actively served or serving in a major branch of a countries armed forces. This includes but is not limited to, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or National Guard of a country. An individual who was once a service member, still is, and is recognized for that, as service does not end when you are discharged.
Additionally, this ribbon symbolizes the many service men and women who have paid the ultimate price for our safety and freedom, and should be carried with pride in the 28th.
Unfortunately cadet or junior programs, such as JROTC or ROTC or similar do not qualify the individual for this award.
This ribbon is handed out upon verification of the Veteran's service to their country, and we thank them for their sacrifice at any level.

The Soldier of the Month Commendation is handed out to an individual by the Battalion First Sergeant at the end of each month to signify outstanding service. The recipient of this award has gone above and beyond, and as such has stuck out to leadership in a positive way. They actively uphold community values on a daily basis, and have made the unit a better place because of their actions.
Soldiers of the Month can be viewed on the Wall of Recognition (Page WIP) as well.

Introduced in May 2021, the Soldier of the Quarter Commendation is handed out to an individual/s by the Battalion First Sergeant at the end of each four month period to signify outstanding service. This award can only be given to one individual at the end of each quarter. This commendation signifies that the member receiving it, has been a force to be reckoned with inside the community. They are dedicated to the 28ths mission statement, values, goals and integrity, and they display this through their actions, words and sacrifices consistently.
Soldiers of the Quarter can be viewed on the Wall of Recognition as well.

Introduced in September 2020, the Soldier of the Year Commendation is handed out to an individual by the Company Commanding Officer on September 1st of each year. This award can be given out to multiple recipients, as the 28th has so many outstanding individuals that may be eligible for this during their year of service.
The Soldier of the Year award is one the highest awards of achievement in the 28th. The recipients of this have spent the past year, 365 days, providing a positive and inspiring presence for the members of the 28th. This award has little words to be said about it's significance, but wearing this ribbon displays levels of valor, dedication and fidelity that is so rare, it is only decided on once a year. The 28th is lucky to have Soldiers of the Year in their midst, and appreciate their efforts.
Soldier of the Year for 2023
- Sharon Roth, Executive Officer, Battalion Headquarters.
- Jon Padel, 2nd Platoon Leader, Alpha Company.
Soldier of the Year for 2022
- Oscar Ellis, Executive Officer, Battalion Headquarters.
Soldier of the Year for 2021
- Daniel Hayes, 1st Platoon Leader, Alpha Company.
Soldiers of the Year for 2020
- Samuel Meatball, Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge, Battalion Headquarters.
- Martin Jon, Commanding Officer, 51st Combat Aviation Brigade, Bravo Company.

Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 6 months. Further Time in Service ribbons contain a clasp, check the appurtenances at the bottom for more information.

Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 12 months.

Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 18 months.

Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 24 months.

Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 30 months.

Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 36 months.

NCO of the quarter is used to distinguish the hard work of our NCO corps and the dedication not only to the well-being of the unit but to the professional development of the members of the 28th.
Awarded by the Battalion First Sergeant.

This ribbon is awarded by a member of the NCO Corp of the 28th Combined Arms Division. The recipient is someone who has displayed outstanding effort in tactics or morale in an official unit operation. They excelled where others may have faltered. This award is given to reward the valued actions of any service member within the 28th CAD. Such actions improve the unit's and its members' experience and have been deemed worthy of commandment.

This ribbon is awarded by a member of the NCO Corp of the 28th Combined Arms Division. The recipient is someone who has displayed outstanding logistical effort in the day-to-day administration of the unit. The unit has been supported and continues to operate smoothly due to their actions. This award is given to reward the valued actions of any service member within the 28th CAD. Such actions improve the unit's and its members' experience and have been deemed worthy of commandment.
Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 42 months.
Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 48 months.
Awarded to those who have served under the 28th banner for 54 months.

The bronze Oak Leaf Cluster is worn by Army personnel to denote second and subsequent awards. A silver Oak Leaf Cluster is worn to denote 5 bronze clusters.
May be worn upon the following awards: Distinguished Service Cross, Army Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit Medal, Army Soldiers Medal - Heroism, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal,

A bronze star is worn on service ribbons to denote subsequent awards. A silver star is worn to denote 5 bronze stars.
Service stars may be worn upon the following awards: Army PDM Ribbon, Humanitarian Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.

Clasps of varying material denote subsequent awards of the "Time in Service Medal".
Bronze clasps indicate the second (two loops) through fifth award (five loops); silver clasps indicate sixth (one loop) through tenth award (five loops); and gold clasps indicate eleventh (one loop) through the fifteenth award (5 loops).
Second, fifth, sixth, and tenth award are pictured.

The Arrowhead indicates the user's participation in a combat parachute jump or air assault insertion via helicopter during a deployment or main operation.
May be applied to the Operation Ribbon in which the Airborne or Air Assault mission was completed during.

The Full Attendance Award is awarded to Fire Teams or Unit Sections that have 100% attendance during an operation. All members within the section must attend the entire operation and all members of the section will receive the award. The Full Attendance Award recognizes unit small elements effort to attend every operation. Usually awarded by the Platoon Leader or Officer In Charge (OIC) of a section.
Oak Leaf Clusters signifies a second award of the same medal.

The Valorous Unit Award (VUA) is to be awarded to units of the United States Armed Forces for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy of the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force
the unit must have performed with marked distinction under difficult and hazardous conditions in accomplishing its mission so as to set it apart from the other units participating in the same conflict. The degree of heroism required is the same as that which would warrant award of the Silver Star to an individual. Extended periods of combat duty or participation in a large number of operational missions, either ground or air, is not sufficient. This award will normally be earned by units that have participated in single or successive actions covering relatively brief time spans. It is not reasonable to presume that entire units can sustain Silver Star performance for extended time periods under the most unusual circumstances. Only on rare occasions will a unit larger than a battalion qualify for this award.
Awarded by Company and Platoon Headquarters.

Like the Valorous Unit Award, The Air Force Gallant Unit Citation is awarded to units that have performed with marked distinction under difficult and hazardous conditions in accomplishing its mission so as to set it apart from and above other units participating in the same conflict. The degree of heroism required is the same as that which would warrant award of the Silver Star to an individual. The GUC will normally be earned by units that have participated in single or successive actions covering relatively brief time spans. Only on rare occasions will a unit larger than a group qualify for the GUC. Extended periods of combat duty or participation in a large number of operational missions, either air or ground, is not sufficient. Additional awards of the Gallant Unit Citation are denoted by oak leaf clusters.
Applicable to Fox Co

The Army Meritorious Unit award is awarded to units for exceptionally meritorious conduct in performance of outstanding services during deployment operations. Service in a combat zone is not required, but must be directly related to the combat effort.
The unit must display such outstanding devotion and superior performance of exceptionally difficult tasks as to set it apart and above other units with similar missions.
Awarded by Company and Platoon Headquarters.

The Air Force Meritorious Unit Award is awarded to units for exceptionally meritorious conduct in performance of outstanding services during deployment operations. Service in a combat zone is not required, but must be directly related to the combat effort.
The unit must display such outstanding devotion and superior performance of exceptionally difficult tasks as to set it apart and above other units with similar missions.
The Air Force Meritorious Unit Award is the Air Force equivalent of the Army Meritorious Unit Award.
Applicable to Fox Co.

Unlike the Full Attendance Award, the Superior Unit Award is awarded to units that have 100% attendance during a Training and Doctrine Command qualification and/or course. All members within the section must attend the entire course and all members of the section will receive the award. The Full Attendance Award recognizes unit small elements effort to better themselves.
Awarded in cooperation by Training & Doctrine Command First in Command and Platoon Headquarters.

Awarded to those who have completed the Warrior Leader Course. Upon completion of additional leadership courses such as Advanced Leaders Course, Senior Leaders Course, Master Leaders Course, Officer Candidate School, and Master Captains Career Course, an award numeral is worn on the ribbon to denote subsequent satisfactory completion of those courses (2, 3, 4 & 5 respectively).

Awarded to those who have completed the Warrior Leader Course. Upon completion of additional leadership courses such as Advanced Leaders Course, Senior Leaders Course, Master Leaders Course, Officer Candidate School, and Master Captains Career Course, an award numeral is worn on the ribbon to denote subsequent satisfactory completion of those courses (2, 3, 4 & 5 respectively).

Awarded to those who have completed the Warrior Leader Course. Upon completion of additional leadership courses such as Advanced Leaders Course, Senior Leaders Course, Master Leaders Course, Officer Candidate School, and Master Captains Career Course, an award numeral is worn on the ribbon to denote subsequent satisfactory completion of those courses (2, 3, 4 & 5 respectively).

Awarded to those who have completed the Warrior Leader Course. Upon completion of additional leadership courses such as Advanced Leaders Course, Senior Leaders Course, Master Leaders Course, Officer Candidate School, and Master Captains Career Course, an award numeral is worn on the ribbon to denote subsequent satisfactory completion of those courses (2, 3, 4 & 5 respectively).

The Army Service Ribbon is awarded to those that have completed their initial Basic Combat Training and Military Occupational Speciality Qualification

This award is awarded to those who have attended a consecutive number of operations.
The Appurtenance (Device) for this award will be bronze and silver leaf clusters.
10 Consecutive Attendance: Ribbon
20 Consecutive Attendance: Ribbon + Bronze Leaf Cluster
30 Consecutive Attendance: Ribbon + 2 Bronze Leaf Cluster
40 Consecutive Attendance: Ribbon + 3 Bronze Leaf Cluster
50 Consecutive Attendance: Ribbon + 4 Bronze Leaf Cluster
60 Consecutive Attendance: Ribbon + Silver Leaf Cluster
If somebody misses a day of attendance, their count gets reset but they keep their most recent consecutive attendance ribbon.

This award recognises members who have successfully invited another member into the unit who has passed their probation period, completed BCT/MOSQ, and been promoted to PV2.
The Appurtenance (Device) for this award will be bronze and silver leaf clusters.
One person recruited: Ribbon.
2 People = Bronze Leaf Cluster,
3 People = 2 Bronze Leaf Clusters,
So on and so forth.
The Recruiting Service Ribbon is applied to those that invite people to the unit and those new people who successfully enlist and complete their initial training.