WLC will teach you the fundamental skills to become a leader in and out of the game. You will learn the skills to handle a fireteam sized element and keep them alive on the battlefield. You will be taught to work with your time out of game in marking attendance, receiving feedback, and conducting team AAR’s
Prerequisites: BCT, AIT, Rank of PFC.
Recommendation By PL or PSG.
The Advanced Leadership Course is the next step after the Warrior Leadership Course. The course teaches you how to manage a squad sized element both in game and out of game as well as having two team leaders under you. You'll learn how to position your teams to best execute the battle plan set by the Platoon Leader, while out of game you will learn the responsibilities and expectations of a squad leader which includes host squad trainings, interacting with your fellow squad members and making sure they are marking and reporting in.
Prerequisites: BCT, AIT, CLS, WLC, Rank of CPL.
Similar to the Advanced and Warrior Leadership Courses, the Senior Leadership Course teaches you the skills and techniques to allow you to manage a platoon sized element both in and out of game, which is around 40 people. You'll learn how to effectively position your platoon to complete the objectives set during operations. While out of game you will learn the responsibilities and expectations of a Platoon Level Billet which includes hosting squad trainings, interacting with your squad leaders and getting feedback reports from them to help improve the readiness of the platoon and finally how to manage and billet members of your platoon.
Prerequisites: BCT, AIT, CLS, WLC, ALC, Rank of SGT.
- Armored Crew Command Course – (1-Day Course) The Armored Crew Command Course is an intensive 1-day training program designed for players aiming to take on leadership roles within an Abrams tank crew. The course focuses on developing key command skills, tactical decision-making, and effective crew coordination to ensure optimal performance on the battlefield. Students will learn how to lead their crew members—driver, gunner, loader, and commander—through real-time combat scenarios, enhancing communication, leadership, and strategy. By understanding the dynamics of armored warfare and improving internal and external coordination, students will gain the skills necessary to lead an Abrams tank with confidence and efficiency.
Key Topics:
- Roles and responsibilities of each crew member (driver, gunner, loader, commander)
- Leadership fundamentals in an armored vehicle context
- Effective communication and coordination within the crew
- Tactical decision-making and adapting to dynamic battlefield conditions
- Coordination with infantry and external units in combined arms operations
Upon completion, students will have the practical knowledge to command an Abrams crew, enhancing team cohesion, leadership effectiveness, and battlefield success.
Prerequisites: 12F AIT or 19K AIT, WLC, & Rank of Corporal.
Close quarters combat (CQC) or Close quarters battle (CQB) is the art of seizing terrain with “room by room clearing of relatively intact building(s) in which enemy combatants and non combatants may be intermixed”
Prerequisites: BCT, 11B/12F MOSQ, Rank of PV2.
During Land Nav you will learn how to navigate multiple types of terrain using old school map and compass. Land Nav will improve your situational awareness and teach you skills you may use in a life or death scenario. Land Nav is a course that is used as a prerequisite for multiple other TRADOC courses.
Prerequisites: BCT, MOSQ, Rank of PVT.
Infantry Fieldcraft
This course is designed to give the individual soldier knowledge on the following topics that are utilized when deployed or in a training situation:
- Vehicle Hides and Bivouac Sites
- Running missions from sites.
- Camp security, duties and details.
- Camp routines and associated drills.
- Entrenchment and fortification.
This course consists of an estimated 45 minute classroom portion, followed by an estimated 1 hour in-game portion where students will be tested and instructed on how to carry out the knowledge they have been given in an operational setting.

Ranger School stands as a formidable crucible of training, where only the most capable and determined individuals dare to venture. It is a rigorous event, meticulously designed and led by a cadre of instructors who embody the very essence of dedication and tenacity. The course's unwavering focus is on forging unyielding leaders, equipping them with the profound knowledge and unwavering fortitude required to excel in the most demanding combat scenarios.
The multi-week journey through Ranger School is not a mere academic exercise; it's a visceral, immersive experience that pushes candidates to their limits and beyond. Each week presents a grueling array of challenges, spanning an intricate tapestry of subjects that lay the foundation for becoming a true leader in the chaos of the battlefield.
The first week of Ranger School delves into the core of teamwork, teaching the indispensable basics of team efficiency. Trainees are immersed in Squad Maneuvers and Drills, where the synchronization of movements, communication, and the seamless execution of tactical formations become second nature. These drills forge a bond within the team that transcends words, uniting individuals into a cohesive force ready to face any adversity.
As the weeks progress, candidates find themselves thrust into the intricate world of Patrolling Exercises and Priorities. The art of patrolling becomes ingrained in their very beings, as they learn the delicate balance between stealth, awareness, and strategic navigation. These exercises not only test their physical endurance but also sharpen their mental acuity, honing their ability to adapt and thrive in the unpredictable terrain of real-world operations.
The heartbeat of Ranger School echoes through the third week, dedicated to the mastery of Conducting and Maintaining An Attack. Here, trainees delve into the essence of offensive tactics, understanding the intricacies of timing, coordination, and precision. The art of launching a successful assault becomes a symphony of chaos and control, with each participant playing a crucial note in the orchestration of victory.
At the culmination of the program, those who emerge victorious find themselves elevated to a new echelon of respect and expectation. Graduating from Ranger School is not merely a certificate; it is a testament to the indomitable spirit and unrelenting perseverance that resides within each graduate. As they step forth from the crucible, they are armed not only with the knowledge imparted by the school but also with a tangible symbol of their prowess: an increased arsenal of capabilities.
The M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR) becomes an extension of their intent, a tool that bridges the gap between strategy and execution on the battlefield. The Crye G3, a fusion of the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) and Desert Digital/Tan, envelops them in both practicality and the symbolism of unity with their comrades. The Mk23 SOCOM Prototype Laser Aiming Module (LAM) becomes a beacon of precision, a testament to their mastery over their environment and adversaries.
In essence, Ranger School molds not only soldiers but leaders of unparalleled caliber. It weaves together the threads of discipline, teamwork, strategy, and adaptability, forging a tapestry of excellence that stands as a testament to the unbreakable spirit of those who have endured its trials. With each graduate, Ranger School adds a new chapter to its storied legacy, a chapter that reverberates with the echoes of unwavering courage and unyielding determination.
Ranger School cannot be Requested via S-7 Course Requests!
Must be Recommended by Platoon Command!

The Marksmanship Course teaches you how to be proficient at longer range engagements and how to use tools like the ATRAG and kestrel.
Prerequisites: BCT, AIT, Rank of PV2

Aerial Insert School will teach members all they need to know about helicopter and fixed wing airdrop operations. you will learn advanced knowledge of helicopter and fixed wing airframes. rappelling, aerial evacuations, drop zones, and parachuting mechanics. Upon completion and passing of this class will be awarded with the Air Assault Badge and the Parachutists Badge.
Prerequisites: BCT, AIT, Rank of PVT
During the Attack Rotary Aircraft course, you will learn everything technical you need to know before flying the Apache or DAP air assets. It is important to go over this information and relay your knowledge during operations. The CAS (Close Air Support) assets are critical to the success of the 28th Combined Arms Division’s efforts in operations. You will learn how to communicate over radios, key terms you should know, and basic avionics for each asset we fly. The final part of this course is an in-game mission, where you will get hands-on experience flying the Apache and DAP, getting to know which armaments you prefer and how to fire them effectively. By the end of the Attack Rotary Aircraft Course, you will know how to:
- Operate the AH-64D and MH-60 DAP.
- Effectively communicate on radios to complete CAS check-ins, receive five-line CAS and nine-line CAS.
- Understand the terms used throughout the operation.
Prerequisites: BCT, 153A MOSQ, Rank of WO2.
During this course, you will learn everything technical you need to know before flying the F/A-18. It is important to go over this information and relay your knowledge during operations. The CAS (Close Air Support) assets are critical to the success of the 28th Combined Arms Division’s efforts in operations. You will learn how to communicate over radios, key terms you should know, and basic avionics for each asset we fly. The final part of this course is an in-game mission, where you will get hands-on experience flying the F/A-18, getting to know which armaments you prefer and how to fire them effectively. By the end of the Attack Fixed Wing Aircraft Course, you will know how to:
- Operate the F/A-18 Super Hornet.
- Effectively communicate on radios to complete CAS check-ins, receive five-line CAS and nine line CAS.
- Understand the terms used throughout the operation.
Prerequisites: BCT, 153A MOSQ, ARA, Rank of WO4.

During this course, your instructor will be arming you with the proper technical knowledge you will need to properly operate and execute the tasks associated with being a logistics Pilot. You will be taking your first steps into the world of Aviation so this course will aim to create the solid foundations upon which you will build upon during your time with the 51st CAB. With that being said this course will cover the very core concepts of communications, airframes and logistics. It is important to note that a lot of the information you learn here will be expanded upon through future training. By the end of this course you should be able to:
- Operate the UH-60M and thus the CH-47.
- Engage in effective communications (ATC, 5 Line HLZs and 9 Line MEDEVACs).
- Recall Crew Roles.
- Recall the Stages of Flight.
Prerequisites: BCT, Rank of W0 or PV2.
Logistical planning and maneuvering - In this course, you will learn to take off land and conduct flight patterns around the airfield as well as inside the AO. You will learn to fly in a formation with one other pilot and how to plan the path to get from the starting position grounded at the airfield to the landing zone and back to the airfield in a productive and efficient manner.
In this course you will learn how to avoid hostile anti-air targets on the ground, as well as how to respond and perform SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) operations if you are stranded on the ground.
In this course you will learn to effectively use the FLIR camera mounted on our MH-60 Blackhawks, and will be able to accurately to understand all info listed on the FLIR GUI. Additionally, you will learn to correctly identify and relay hostile targets as well as friendly assets on the ground.
In this course you will be conducting air resupplies as well as air drops to support ground operations. You will conduct sling loading operations as well as aerial vehicle drops in order to resupply friendly assets on the ground.
The Forward Air Controller Transport Module course is designed to educate you in directing aircraft to assist the infantryman during an operation. As a Transport RTO, you are responsible of taking control of and direct infantry at LZs and controlling the transport aircraft. You'll be working with the Platoon Leader / Sergeant to get company level resupplies in at the LZ.
Prerequisites: 1Z3X1 and Rank of AB.
The Forward Air Controller Attack Module course is designed to educate you in directing attack aircraft during an operation. As an Attack RTO, you're responsible for tasking CAS aircraft targets.
Prerequisites: 1Z3X1 and Rank of AB.
DOC is designed to train our JTACs on the usage and capabilities of the RQ-11 Raven and the AR-2i Darter drone from everything to reconnaissance to calling in artillery.
Prerequisites: 1Z3X1 AIT, Rank of AB.
The Call For Fire course is designed to take JTACs and teach them to coordinate closely with artillery assets to achieve the needs of tasks ranging from target destruction, infantry support, to counter battery operations.
Prerequisites: BCT, 11B, Rank of Amn and/or PVT.
Master JTAC School will act as the final stepping stone for the JTACs of Fox Company being used to put their knowledge and skills to the test. The multi-day school will test everything a JTAC should know from Reconnaissance, logistical and attack Forward Air Control, employment of artillery, employment of Anti-Air weaponry and long range weaponry and tools.
Passing this schools will serve to show final mastery of their duties as a JTAC.
Prerequisites: Expert JTAC Award and Rank of SrA.
The Tactical Air Control Party course is designed to educate you on the different tactics and tactical settings you will be expected to operate in as a TACP member. You will be working with detached from the main fighting force to direct attack aircraft during an operation.
Prerequisites: FAC(T),FAC(A), CLS, 1Z3X1, and Rank of AB.
This course is offered to all unit members. In this course, trainees will learn how to act as first responders to a casualty. Whether it is their battle buddy, another 28th member, civilian or ally. After this course, they will be able to confidently conduct treatment on another person. Upon passing the exam, trainees are able to access certain equipment that is not otherwise allotted to standard units.
Prerequisites: BCT, Rank of PVT.

EFMB is the Medical Equivalent of the EIB. This badge is the hardest course in Mike Co and is extremely difficult to obtain. You must have advanced knowledge in KAT Medical, Triaging Patients, and Battlefield care. By the end of this course only a few of the participants will become holders of the EFMB.
Prerequisites: BCT, 68W MOSQ
As a Platoon Medic, the expectations of you will be high due to the increase in responsibility in and out of game. You will be in charge of overseeing all of the medics in your platoon out of game as well as being the chief medical advisor during operations. In regards to the increase in responsibility you will need to be good at managing stress and staying calm and collected in stressful situations, mainly in game. Additionally never get complacent in your role, there is always room for improvement and positive change. Always try to improve.
This course will teach you the techniques, responsibilities, and expectations of becoming a Platoon Medic.
In Game Responsibilities:
- Keeping track of your SQM’s ensuring they are performing their duties as well as staying in the loop of their medical situations.
- Handling stressful situations (medical or not).
- Keeping your medics resupplied through the CMS and yourself.
- Coordinating with your PL and PSG to assist with resupplies or other logistical stuff when there is no medical to attend to.
Out of Game Responsibilities:
- Keeping track of promotions.
- Setting up and/or hosting courses and trainings.
- Answering questions related to medical or general unit related questions.
- Problem solving between members.
- Making sure everyone is marking attendance and reporting in.
- Participating in leadership meetings/discussions.
- Being an active member of S-Shop(s).
Prerequisites: BCT, 68W MOSQ, WLC, ALC, MLC, SLC, Rank of SGT.
This course will go over a brief refresher on CLS, and will then continue to go on to go over how to most effectively utilize your 68W and CLS qualified members to handle most medical situations thrown at you.
This course is not a replacement for PMC, nor is it a guide on how to act as a platoon medic, moreso it is a series of lessons and information that will assist you, as a battlefield leader, to better handle intense medical situations and assist your PLM in dealing with them.
Prerequisite: WLC, CLS, NCO/Leadership billet
Minimum 5 trainees/Asst. Instructors
Minimum 1 68W Asst. Instructor

The 28th's Basic Combat Training is your introduction to the unit and the game of Arma III. Here you will learn the traditions, tactics, and methods of becoming an enlisted member of the 28th.
During Basic, you'll learn how to work as a member of a team to accomplish tasks. You'll learn information about the unit, in-game systems, communications, navigation, medical system, weapons, and tactics.

The 11B MOSQ is designed to teach recruits infantry styled tactics and weapon systems, as well as how to execute combat in close quarters and the structure of fireteams. Recruits straight out of BCT will come to MOSQ to become a 28th CAD infantryman to fight in Alpha Company.
The weapon systems you'll learn to utilise are:
- M249 SAW
- M320 Grenade Launcher
- M136 AT4
Prerequisites: BCT.

68W MOSQ is designed to teach new recruits the basics of operating as a combat medic. Recruits will be taught the KAT medical system and how to triage patients, as well as managing and overseeing the care of your entire squad and keeping the platoon medic informed of the medical situations.
Prerequisites: BCT, Rank of PV2.

The 1Z3X1 MOSQ is the first of many courses on your way to becoming a JTAC. Here you will learn how to further understand the radio systems we use, how to use them effectively alongside the other tools of the trade, and begin your journey. Once you complete your 1Z3X1 MOSQ, you will be put into what is called the ROMAD Program where you will be cross trained with our aviation company to be the best JTAC you can be.
Prerequisites: BCT, 2 Operations Completed

The 12B MOSQ will teach recruits the ins and outs of creation and destruction on the battlefield. You will learn how to create battlefield fortifications, clear minefields, and destroy enemy assets. As a Combat Engineer, you will learn to be a key support element and will help to bridge the 28th to victory
Prerequisites: BCT, 12F MOSQ, & Rank of PVT.

In this course, you will learn about all the basic information needed to operate as a 15T and Flight Medic in the 51st CAB. As we strive for realism and excellence, the information in this course is derived from real US Army training documents. By reading this document, you will have a firm understanding of what is required to succeed as a 15T and Flight Medic in the 51st CAB. Additionally, by the end of this course you should be able to:
- Recall the different aircraft and details about each aircraft used in the 51st CAB.
- Recall Crew Roles.
- Recall and carry out the tasks under Readiness Level 3.
Prerequisites: BCT, Rank of PV2.

The 12F MOSQ (Mechanized Engineer Qualification Course) is tailored for members assigned to mechanized engineer units, consisting of a 6-person section, including a medic and an integrated Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle. This course covers everything participants need to understand about the section’s structure, operational use, and the foundational roles of each member within the unit.
Training also focuses on the fundamentals of operating as a Bradley crew, recognizing its integral role in supporting and enhancing the squad's capabilities. By the end of the course, attendees will have the essential knowledge to function effectively in their roles and contribute to the overall mission success of a mechanized engineer unit.
Prerequisites: BCT

- 19K Armored School – (3-Day Course) This 3-day course is designed for players operating in armored formations, with a focus on the M1 Abrams tank. Participants will learn how to effectively identify and engage enemy threats, operate within armored formations, and coordinate with infantry units to maximize battlefield effectiveness. The course covers tactical movement, target identification, crew coordination, and best practices for working alongside infantry to support combined arms operations. Through practical exercises and simulations, students will gain hands-on experience in operating armored vehicles in complex combat scenarios. By the end of the course, students will be proficient in armored tactics, threat identification, and integrated operations with infantry units.
Key Topics:
- Identifying and engaging enemy threats (armor, infantry, air)
- Abrams tank operation and gunnery
- Armored formations and maneuver tactics
- Coordination and communication with infantry
- Terrain and battlefield awareness in combined arms operations
Prerequisites: BCT
Machine Gunners Course will teach you advanced knowledge of the M240G. You will learn how to correctly position these weapons, the different types of fire, specifications and important terms relating to the M240G as well as techniques you should utilise on the battlefield. At the conclusion of this course, you will be allowed to carry the M240B in a weapons squad or when allotted by the SQL.
Prerequisites: BCT, 11B AIT, 12F AIT.

Expert Infantry Badge is a course designed to test the skills of the men and women in Alpha Company. This course will be a test of weapon systems, maps, 9 lines, salute reports, and squad tactics. this is a long course and can be up to 4 - 8 hours long so there needs to be time set aside to earn this qualification. NOT ALL CANDIDATES WILL PASS AND EARN THE QUALIFICATION. The Expert Infantryman Badge is the hardest qualification the 28th has to offer, upon passing the class, the individuals will be awarded the Recon Rogue Expert Infantryman Badge.
This course is only run once a year. MUST HAVE COMPLETED ALL PREREQUISITES!
Prerequisites: BCT, 11B AIT, 12F AIT, Land Nav, Call For Fire, Marksmen, CLS, 12B AIT, CCMC, MGC, & CSW.
The Close Combat Missile Course will teach you how to operate as a member of a Javelin Missile team. You will learn how to arm and fire this weapon to defeat enemy armor. As a member of the Javelin team you will operate as a Gunner, Ammo Bearer, and Team leader. At the completion of this course you will be qualified to operate the Javelin in a weapons squad.
Prerequisites: BCT, 11B AIT, 12F AIT.
Crew Served Weapons is made to teach the basic infantryman on how to assemble and operate heavy weapons systems within a weapons team. You will be trained on the TOW, MK 19, and M2 .50 cal. At the end of this course you will have advanced knowledge on how these systems work and when to use them.
Prerequisites: BCT, 11B MOSQ, Rank of PV2.